Friday, July 3, 2009

why we must submit site to web directory ?

Campaign on a web directories is one of the things that have to do in the blog admin. After you create a blog that aims to be your blog useful for others and easy for the search must then submit the search engines Google, Yahoo and MSN. You can also submit via web services such as mypagerank, this is the basis of your blog to promote serch engine. Once your blog terindexs the next campaign to register your blog to the popular directories.

Before you conduct the campaign in many directories would that you know what a blog to promote the benefits directorie:

1. Directorie to register with the blog you become more famous
2. Increasing visitor traffic
3. Get back links from these blogs directorie
4. Affect the assessment of the Google PR
5. You will know the advantages over the way the

After reading the benefits of directorie this is the case you need to do, under some of this web directories:
Technorati | Blogtoplist | Topblogarea | Topblogging | Topbloglists | Blogvillage | Blogelites |
Myblogdirectory | Blogcatalog | Blogarama | Blogion | Bloggeries | Bloghop | Bloggingfusion |

Directories on the list have any page rank in the top 2 and of course we get back from them, so the link for the Game contest or tour seo sadau will very helped. While the new blog that will make you get more in the assessment calculation google PR .

Hopefully your blog is listed in the directories to be better

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